About Us

Lightweight Construction with Fraunhofer

Material Application and Product Design



Multi-scale material models for a comprehensive evaluation of physically based dependencies along the value chain.

Homologation and Product Application



Support from material charactisation to component validation.

Prototyp and Series Production of Components and Systems

Manufacturing competencies focus on lightweight structures and all relevant lightweight materials.

Advanced Training to become Fraunhofer Composite Engineer


First certified training course »Composite Engineer«.

The competencies of the Fraunhofer Association (Fraunhofer Research Field Lightweight Construction) in the field of fiber reinforced materials are merged in a modular training concept.




The participating Institutes of the Fraunhofer Research Field Lightweight Construction offer conceptual and technical solutions in manufacturing as well as testing and evaluation along the value chain of lightweight products.

The specific needs of our clients are met taking into account ecological and economical requirements. Merging the competencies of
15 Fraunhofer Institutes integral solutions can be developped.

The portfolio is completed with a comprehensive training offer composed of specifically tailored modules.